Ember Mug 14 oz
This item is produced when ordered and is non-returnable. Production time is 15+ business days plus standard shipping. If you need this product in a rush, please reach out hello@intandempromotions.com.
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Minimum Order Quantity: 12
Designed for home or office, the new Ember Mug² does more than simply keep your coffee hot. Our smart mug allows you to set an exact drinking temperature, so your coffee is never too hot, or too cold. Smart LED indicates when beverage has reached its perfect temperature and more. Select your temperature range as 120°F - 145°F (50°C - 62.5 °C) on the mug or with the Ember app. Built-in Auto-Sleep function intelligently senses when to turn on and off. Ember then maintains your chosen temperature for up to 80 minutes with the Ember Mug² 14 oz - so your hot beverage stays perfect. Ember Mug² is safe to hand wash and submersible up to 1 meter in water.