We believe in the magic of an idea.
With ITP, products and experiences are transformed into memorable brand moments. For some that means providing something immediately useful, like the perfect notepad or eco-friendly water bottle. For others it's more intangible—we're creating something of sentimental value to take their breath away. Whatever you're looking for, we can make it happen.
Delivering quality with integrity since 2013.
Ever since I can remember, I have been a juggler. Juggling activities, career, family, friends, and volunteering. I have learned through all of this juggling that I can do it myself. But it’s far easier (not to mention more fun) to juggle with a partner. And it was on this premise that InTandem Promotions was born! With over 20 years of experience in the promotional products industry and working with a wide-range of companies and organizations building their brand stories, I am excited to build upon that experience and meet our clients’ needs. In 2013, InTandem Promotions open its doors.
My mentor, Janelle Nevins – an industry icon, was one of the most courageous women that I have ever known. Her smile was contagious and she would draw you in to any conversation. The room would light up as soon as she walked in. To her, this industry wasn’t about selling. It was always about building friends and connections (before that was a thing).
Janelle started in the promotional products industry after staying at home with her first son. Her husband, Art Nevins, and her father-in-law were a distributorship out of their basement. In the late-’70s she began managing the orders and order processing for her husband and father-in-law but soon who she was destined to be emerged. In a matter of months, she was bringing in large orders, from not-so-small businesses. My favorite power story about Janelle is, “She cold-called Coca-Cola and got an appointment with somebody there,” Art Nevins said. “We asked how she did that, and she said, ‘Well, you said I should call them.'”
Janelle Nevins passed in 2012 and it was only fitting that the woman that showed me strength, courage, ambition, and a passion for this industry was somehow incorporated into InTandem’s fabric. The Nevins’ logo was PMS teal 327. Therefore, it is only fitting that the teal in our logo is the same.
Global capabilities, but a local focus.
Our tight-knit global team of experts deeply understand all aspects of branded merchandise creation—from ideation to delivery. From vendors we've worked with for years to new and exciting partners, we have thousands of meaningful relationships in our network spread across the map.